Admission Information for International Students
for Master’s & Doctoral Program
College of Laboratory Medicine of Chongqing Medical University (CQMU)

一、招生学科、专业Discipline, Specialty and supervisor introduction

二、学习方式和学习年限Mode and length
1. 学习方式:全日制Mode of study: full-time
2. 学习时间:秋季学期。学习年限一般为3年。学习年限可适当延长,但最多不超过6年。
Length of Schooling:Master’s Program: 3 years from Autumn.Doctoral Program: 3 years from Autumn,The length of schooling can be extended, but no more than 6 years.
三、申请与录取方式Application and admission
1. 通过重庆医科大学来华留学生信息管理系统进行网上申请和录取。(
Applicants should submit their application and check the admission status in Chongqing Medical University international student information management system. (
2. 中国政府奖学金申请者还需登录国家留学基金委来华留学网,进行网上申请。(
Applicants for Chinese Government Scholarship should also apply on the website of the China Scholarship Council(
3. 通过英文招生网站发布来华留学研究生的专业、导师名单、招生标准等信息,进行招生宣传。(
The introduction of specialties and supervisors and the enrollment standards of postgraduates studying will be released on the official English website of CQMU, which will also exhibit the publicity material for enrollment of students studying in China. (
4. 被录取的学生须在注册报到时提交纸质版材料。
There is no need to provide paper materials in the application stage. The admitted students must submit the original and the copy materials corresponding to the original at the time of registration. The original shall be reviewed and the relevant paper materials shall be filed. The materials uploaded through the system at the application stage must be clear, true and effective. The applicant is suggested to use professional equipment to scan the relevant documents to be submitted. The consequences caused by unclear or unrecognizable materials shall be borne by the applicant.
5. 申请截止日期为2022年7月15日
Application date: from the release of the enrollment brochures to 17:00 p.m. Beijing time, July 15, 2022.
四、招生录取标准及奖学金Enrollment requirements and Scholarship
(一)招生录取标准Enrollment requirements
1. 申请硕士学位者年龄范围原则上不超过35周岁,申请博士者年龄范围原则上不超过40周岁,身心健康,有足够的资金支持在中国的学习和生活费用。
In principle, applicants to master's degree should not exceed the age of 35 and those to doctoral degree should not exceed the age of 40. Applicants must be healthy both mentally and physically. Applicant should be able to cover their expenses on studying and living in China.
2. 国外院校毕业的申请者须毕业于本国正规院校,在校成绩达到良好以上;毕业于中国高校的申请者必须成绩优异,获得中国政府奖学金或各省市级奖学金经历者优先。
Applicants must have finished their study in a public institution in their home country with good academic records. Excellent academic records are required for applicants who have graduated from Chinese institution. CQMU prefers applicants who have obtained Chinese Government Scholarships or provincial/municipal scholarships.
3. 须得到2位高级职称专家的推荐。
Applicants should be recommended by 2 professors/associate professors.
4. 在校表现良好,出具相关证明和无犯罪记录。
Applicants should have good performance at their former university with Certificate of Good Performance and Non-criminal record.
5. 申请攻读硕士学位者须拥有本科学历,获得学士学位,本科为医学学科或理学学科背景或有一定的医学基础;申请攻读博士学位者须拥有硕士学历,获得硕士学位。
Applicants to master’s program should have earned a bachelor’s degree of medicine or science, and those to doctoral program should have earned a master’s degree.
6. 申请英文授课专业的语言水平要求达到以下两项之一:(1)母语为英语;(2)母语为非英语,托福成绩需达到85分以上(含85分)、雅思成绩需达到6分以上(含6分),或本科、硕士阶段授课为全英文授课。
Applicants to English Medium Program are required to meet either one of the following requirements:1) Native English speaker;2) Applicants who are not a native English speaker should provide TOEFL scores (85 or above), IETLS scores ( 6 or above), or have taken all their courses in English in bachelor or postgraduate study.
7. 申请中文授课专业的语言水平要求:中文水平须达到HSK5级或以上,或上一阶段授课语言为中文。
Applicants to Chinese Medium Program should provide certificates of HSK-5 or above, or the teaching language of the last education stage is Chinese.
8. 来华留学申请人必须持有有效的本国护照或国籍证明文件4年(含)以上,且最近4年(截止入学年度的6月30日前)之内有在国外实际居住2年以上的记录(一年中实际在国外居住满9个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准)。
Applicants should hold valid passports or citizenship certificates of their own countries with more than 4-year validity and more than 2-years records of living outside China in the last 4 years (up to April 30th of the first semester). A record of living outside China for over 9 months can be counted as one year, based on the date on entry and exit seals.
9. 在校成绩、获得成就、综合表现优异。
Applicants should have good overall performance with excellent academic scores and achievements.
10. 申请者在申请时,必须提供相应的学历学位证书,否则不予录取,预计于当年毕业的学生原则上不予录取。
Applicants must provide certificate of the academic degree they have completed for the application, otherwise they will not be accepted. Applicants who are about to graduate in the year of 2022 will not be admitted in principle.
中国政府奖学金项目(丝绸之路奖学金)标准 Chinese Government Scholarship(The Silk Road Scholarship)standards

(三)复试淘汰标准Retest Requirements
The following applicants will not be accepted by CQMU.
1) 不符合招生标准;Applicants who do not meet the enrollment requirements mentioned above.
2) 身体状况不符合录取要求;Applicants whose physical condition does not meet the enrollment requirements
3) 其他不符合录取要求的。Applicants who do not meet the other requirements set by CQMU.
Applicants whose interview scores are lower than 60/100 will not be accepted by CQMU.
Factors including interview scores, the number of applicants for each specialty and the number of students the specialty requires will be taken into consideration during admission.
CQMU reserves the right to cancel the admission qualification of a candidate or dispel a student who is found to provide fake documents.
五、申请材料Application Documents
● 护照(复印件/扫描件)。Passport (photocopy/scanned copy)
● 填写完整的重庆医科大学留学生学习申请表。
Completed Application Form for Foreigners to Study in Chongqing Medical University (original copy or photocopy/scanned copy)
● 留学生体检表。
Foreigner Physical Examination Form (photocopy/scanned copy) (Applicant can keep the original copy. The form printed by Chinese authority could be downloaded from The physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of an attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid.Note: Records of physicalexamination are only valid for 6 months.
● 无犯罪记录证明。Non-Criminal Record.
● 资金证明(银行存款须不低于第一学年需要交纳的所有费用)。
Financial proof (bank deposit must not be less than all fees required to be paid in the first semester).
● 经认证的本科/硕士毕业证书、学位证书(将于2022年7月毕业的申请者须提供预毕业证明)(复印件/扫描件),本科/硕士阶段学业成绩单和毕业论文(本科阶段如果没有毕业论文,需提供证明)(复印件/扫描件)。
Notarized undergraduate / Master graduation certificate, degree certificate (applicants who graduate in July 2022 will must provide pre graduation certificate) (copy / scan), academic transcript and graduation thesis at undergraduate / master stage (if there is no graduation thesis at undergraduate stage, proof shall be provided) (copy / scan).
● 申请英文授课专业:提供托福、雅思成绩证明(复印件/扫描件)或本科、研究生学习阶段为英语授课的证明。
Apply for English Teaching Major: provide TOEFL, IELTS score Certificate (copy / scan) or the certificate that the undergraduate and graduate study stage is all English teaching.
● 申请中文授课专业:提供HSK5级或以上证书和成绩单。
Apply for teaching in Chinese: provide HSK5 or above certificates and transcripts.
● 两封教授/副教授的推荐信附签名及联系方式(复印件/扫描件)。
Two letters of recommendation (copies / scans) from professor’s / associate professors. The letters of recommendation must indicate the contact number, email address, professional title and position of the recommender, so as to ensure that our university can get in touch with them and confirm the contents of the letters of recommendation.
● 不少于1000字的学习计划,申请英文授课者用英撰写,申请中文授课者用中文撰写。
For a study plan of no less than 1000 words, those who apply for English teaching shall write in English and those who apply for Chinese teaching shall write in Chinese.
● 附加材料:已发表的著作、论文、获奖证书、其他相关材料(复印件/扫描件)。
Additional materials: published works, papers, award certificates, medical practitioner qualification certificates and other relevant materials (copies / scanned copies).
● 奖学金申请材料:申请中国政府奖学金者,须提供《中国政府奖学金申请表》。
For those who want to apply for scholarship program,
Chinese Government Scholarship: Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form.
Note: Some of the forms above can be download from this website:

七、咨询方式Contact info
重庆医科大学外事处Foreign Affairs Office of CQMU
重庆医科大学检验医学院College of Laboratory Medicine of CQMU